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Code of Conduct

Boardwave has some pretty ambitious goals, but they will only be achieved once we are able to connect all of Europe’s brilliant software leaders, so we can share our knowledge and experience with each other and have fun doing it.


Boardwave will be built, one new relationship at a time. The lack of PowerPoint allows us to focus on the most valuable outcomes of any event we run - meeting interesting people and engaging with fresh ideas.


There are only a few rules that we believe our members - who we also like to call ‘Boardwavers’ - need to adhere to in order to make our events collaborative, happy and safe, and members trusting of one another. These are set out below and apply equally to our sponsors. Please comply with them and try to understand the reasons why they are in place.



While there will be plenty of activities provided and facilitated by Boardwave, the proactive participation of members and the introduction of new members to the community are the vital ingredients that will make the network most valuable to everyone.


Boardwave embraces a culture of open communication and trust. As such, discussions and debates, and the sharing of experiences and insights, will always be conducted in an informal and professional manner and take place in an atmosphere of acknowledged confidentiality, so disclosing what is discussed, whether verbally, in writing or in social media posts, should be avoided.

Courtesy and Respect


To qualify for inclusion as a member, every delegate has been personally invited by another member, and vetted by our Boardwave Committee. This process exists to ensure that everyone at Boardwave is pretty amazing in their own particular way. So please treat everyone equally, and with the respect and courtesy they deserve as individuals. 

Inappropriate Behaviour 

Boardwave is designed to be fun. Sometimes people experience “fun-overload”. This can mean people behave badly - demeaning others and neglecting an individual’s courtesy and respect entitlement. We are totally intolerant of inconsiderate behaviour, be that rudeness, discrimination, sexual advancement or otherwise. If you are found to have upset or offended other members, you run the risk of being asked to leave and barred from future events.

Sales Free Zone


Boardwave is about making friends, networking and sharing ideas, experiences and information. Boardwavers may want to buy products and services from each other and that is a fabulous outcome. However, no one wants to be pinned down by an over-zealous seller who can't spot the lack of buying signals. Pressure selling is an ugly business so please don't bring it to Boardwave. Flagrant pleadings for funding are equally frowned upon. Finally, subsequent spamming of members with 'opportunities' of any sort is likely to result in your removal from the community.


Honesty and Integrity 

Boardwave aims to be completely straightforward in its dealings with members, and expects members to act similarly with Boardwave and amongst themselves. As with any relationship, honesty and integrity are the basis upon which it is built and maintained, and that’s no different at Boardwave. Please be truthful about your business and personal accomplishments so as not to misguide people. The fact that you have been selected for an invitation to become a member means you have no need to brag.

What Goes on Tour, Stays on Tour

We adhere to the Chatham House Rule which ensures people can speak as individuals, expressing views that may differ from the organisations they represent. Speakers are free to voice their own opinions, disentangled from their official duties, obligations, and affiliations. We request that members do not post content or photographs on social media that might be deemed defamatory to either the event or the people depicted, breach confidentiality or infringe any intellectual property rights. 

Breaches of this Code of Conduct

Any breach of this Code of Conduct by a member, brought to the attention of the Boardwave Committee, will be considered reasonable cause to terminate the membership with immediate effect. If you have any concerns that a breach of conduct has occurred, please report it here

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