
Venture Capital Investor & Venture Partner

Arma Partners
Changes in the way we worked during the pandemic forced organisations to invest in new software systems to support, amongst other things, hybrid working. As software became even more of an essential business tool than before, valuations in technology companies reached new heights.
Now, just as the world begins to shake off the pandemic, we face new macro-economic headwinds caused by, amongst other things, a terrible war in Ukraine. In the last nine months, software and technology valuations have gone into reverse as we enter an inevitable global recession. In this second episode of our podcast series, Making Waves, we look in more detail at the consequences of a challenging economy for European software with our three guests. We are joined by Anastasia Leng, CEO of CreativeX and a Boardwave Nextwaver, who having faced previous business challenges, has a pragmatic stance as she leads the growth in her business and recently concluded a successful investment round. We also get a view from the Venture Capital world, as we talk to Martin Gibson, Venture Partner at Accel. The episode starts with a view of the market from one of Europe’s leading tech bankers, Varun Sunderraman, Partner at Arma Partners.